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Studio Neo Walk Through - Scene Swapping

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I have a new friend just getting Honey Select working and he's at a point on figuring out WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IN HERE???
So you might want to start with some existing scene cards in your game so you can start playing with them first before you start making your scenes from scratch.Also in this case i have female characters cards MADE that i like and can swap in.
NEO scene cards HAVE to go in \UserData\studioneo\scene\ in that path order but once they are there you can pull up existing scenes, use the maps (IF THEY PRELOAD, if not then you need to download and install), use the girls in a scene if they are loli or swap them out if they are not. Then you can changes scenes around, make them your own, and save you new scene cards. You can save a new card for every new set of poses or duplicate multiple copies of girls in the same playset so that the camera changes actually show multiple "scenes" for a single card.
Load your cards by going to system then load. You'll find cards available that are in your folder there. Here are a few cards to get your started with my girls.
There are OLDERStudio cards that just work for Honey Select Studio but not Studio Neo. Likewise Honey Select 2 cards also don't work for Honey Select 1. A bit tricky. Anyway once you have downloaded card AND girls which you like you can swap them out and start and having fun with them. Start with pics and work on to videos maybe.

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