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やるタイツ(Yaru Tights)

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私は中紅(なかべに)ユア今年の春から高校2年生になったばかりです友達のレンから、趣味の「自撮りをSNSに上げる」ことを揶揄され、「そんなヒマだったら貴女もバイトのひとつでもしてみたら?」と言われたので、SNSで知り合った男性の方に相談してみると、「いいバイト先があるよ」と言われて紹介されたのがある銭湯でした「時給3000円」「御客様の背中を流す“だけ”の“簡単”な仕事」というふれこみでしたので、面接だけでも受けようと思い、この銭湯へやってきたのです16:00(PM4:00)湯女風呂「桃花苑」事務室内私は学校帰りに面接を受けることにしました面接の場所は銭湯の受付の奥にある事務室でした店主「今回はわざわざありがとうね。何せ人手が足りないもんでねぇ~ 君みたいな子が入ってくれるとこちらも助かるんだが・・・」私の面接を担当してくれたのはここの銭湯の店主さんだそうで、私よりひとつ年上の息子さんがいるそうですが、私のお父さんより少しだけ年下みたいですが、見た目以上に若く見えましたプルルルル・・・ プルルルル・・・ プルルルル・・・ プルルルル・・・(事務室内の電話の音)店主「失礼するよ」そう言って店主さんは受話器を取りました店主「オウ、俺だ。何だ?何ィ!そうか、それは困ったな」と言いながら店主さんは私の方をチラッと目を配せました店主さんが受話器を置くと、店主「ごめんな、個室希望の御客様が同時に二人も入っちまった個室に二人共取られると洗い場に誰もいなくなるし・・・さて、困った・・・」しばらくして、店主さんが私の方を見て、店主「なぁ、ユアちゃんと言ったっけ?これも何かの縁ということで・・・これからやってみないか? 二人が戻ってくるまででいいからちゃんと時給分は出すから・・・ね?頼むよ」と、店主に懇願され、私は急遽湯女として働くことになりましたユア「あ、あの・・・店長?ここは仕事着とか無いんですか?」店長「あぁ、それね、以前(まえ)はあったんだけど、濡れるし、すぐ脱いじゃうからだれも着なくなったんだあ!それは脱がなくていいよ」私はタイツに手をかけたところで店主さんに制止されました店主さんは、タイツと靴だけになった私の前に跪きましたそして、店主「パンティー穿かずに直穿きとは若いのに通だねぇ~」と言うと、店主さんは私の前に跪いたまま、私のデルタ地帯に顔を近づけてきました後ろは壁です。逃げ場はありませんでしたユア「店主さん、何を!?」店主「朝からずっと穿いたままなんだろ? なかなか芳しい、良い臭いだね」店主は私のデルタ地帯に自分の鼻を突き刺すように押し入れると、店主の荒々しい鼻息がワレメちゃんまでくすぐりました店主はしばらく堪能していましたが、店主「おっと、いかんいかん・・・御客様を待たせてはいかんな」店主はさも名残惜しそうに私の股間から鼻を離しました(この詳しい状況は、本編の00:50からの映像とほぼ同じです)店主「それじゃ、御客様に御説明もあるから、一緒について来て」私は店主さんと一緒に洗い場に向かいました私は不安よりも先程の店主さんの行為により、体の火照りと股間の得体の知れない疼きに戸惑っていました本編へ続くMy name is Yua NakabeniI have just been in high school sophomore this springMy friend Ren has teased me to upload my selfie to SNSAnd she was told, "If you had nothing to do, if you try to do one of the part-time jobs?", when I consult with a man who I met on SNS, "I know a good part-time job", It was a one of public bath that was introduced"3,000 yen per hour""Easy job to only wash guest’s back"As it was, I came to this public bath thinking that I would like to receive an interview only16:00(PM4:00)In Yunaburo “Touka-en” officeI decided to go for an interview after schoolThe Owner "Thank you for going out of this Sentou way to comeThis Sentou had been short of staff! If a pretty girl like you will go in, I will be help too.”It is said that it is the storekeeper of the public bath here who was in charge of my interviewHe seems to have a son older than me, but he looks a little younger than my dad, but he looked younger than it lookedPrrr… prrr...Prrr… prrr… (Sound of telephone in office)The Owner "Cuse me, girl”He said that and picked up the handsetThe Owner "Hey, me! What? How! Well, that\'s a problem... "While saying that, he was looking at mehe placed the handset,The Owner "Very sorry, two guests hoped to VIP room at the same timeIf when two people are robbed in VIP room, no one is in the washing room… Well, I was troubled... "After a while, he looks at me,The Owner " Well, was your name Yua-chan?When I first met her, I felt we were meant to meet!So, why don\'t you give it a try? Until two people come back from VIP roomsBecause I pay hourly salary properly… Hey? I\'m begging you"And, begged by he, I came to work as a sudden YunaYua “Ah… Owner? Aren\'t there any work clothes here?”The Owner " Oh yeah, it used to be, but it gets wet and they\'ll take it off right away so nobody wears itAh! You don\'t have to take it off. "When I tried to take off the tights, I was stopped by heHe knelt down before me when I had wore only tights and shoesAnd,The Owner "You can wear tights without wearing panties, you\'re young, but you\'re connoisseur”He says so, he knelt down in front of me and he had moved his face closer to my delta areaBehind is a wall. I had no escapeYua “Oh… Owner, how!?The Owner "Have you been wearing it all morning? It\'s pretty sweet and has a good smell. "He pushed his nose into my delta area and his rough nose breath tickled my cameltoeHe had been enjoying for a while,The Owner "Oh… No! No!! I was not good to keep the customer waiting”He look sad to part really and he had took his nose off my cameltoe(This detailed situation is almost the same as the video from 00: 50 of the main story)The Owner "Well, I will must be explain to guests, please so come along with me. "I went to the washing room with the OwnerBut,I had puzzled by the hot flash and the unspeakable tingling due to the act of the owner earlier than anxietyContinue to the main story

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