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【Kanna and Riko】 BeepBlock 【+ 4PUnity】

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\(✿゚▽゚)/ Hi !! I hope you enjoy the video!
『 That was a request made by one of my patreons !!, It is a little difficult to make motion in this program because it does not have any timeline or keyframes, so I myself had to make my own animation system (mainly for the penis which is the essential part for motion of this type), well I did too a version compatible with the 4PUnity player you can download the free version here (720p 60fps of course):
Note: Sorry if the animation is not so good』
4PUnity: / /> Kanna and Riko Mod for 4PUnity: / /> _____________________________________________
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✿ 【!! Credits !!】 ✿
Motion By Akomni
Camera By Me

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