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東京仮面ネリマクイーン後編(TOKYO MASKED NERIMA QUEEN second part)

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?「失態だな、琴音?」四石琴音「それについては弁解はしないわ」私、四石琴音またの名を、「東京仮面ネリマクイーン」今はエージェントNの事務所に来ています妖魔を取り逃がした上に人質まで奪還に失敗したとあってかなりの叱責は覚悟してたんだけど、“練馬のおじさま”の態度は意外に優しいものでしたこの人は自称エージェントN東京都練馬区役所の「妖魔対策室」の室長ということで一応身分は公務員らしいんだけど、そんな部署聞いたこともありませんこの人との出会いは、あれは忘れもしない5年前のある日高校に入学したばかりの私が妖魔に襲われたのをこの人が救ってくれたのがそもそものはじまりでしたこの時、「私に“Queen Energy”の素養がある」ということで、その日から私は、「練馬区を守る東京仮面ネリマクイーン」としての生活が始まりましたネリマクイーンに変身するためには右手に装着するクイーン・ブレスレットと強力なクイーンエナジーを接続させねばなりません勿論クイーンエナジーが強ければ強い程ネリマクイーンのパワーは強くなりますクイーンエナジーを強化するための特訓は必要ですが、その前に能力者にクイーンエナジーを注入されなければクイーンエナジーは覚醒しませんクイーンエナジーの注入方法それは能力者との性交ですその能力者というのは勿論エージェントNのことでしたこの時私は処女でしたですから私を“女”にしてくれたのもおじさまですでも、おじさまに抱かれたことに後悔は微塵もありません私がネリマクイーンとなったことで、母一人娘一人の家庭で、しかも母は病気がちでしたが、おじさまは母の入院費用と私の学費や生活の補償をしてくれて高校を卒業することができ、今の会社に入社できたのもおじさまの尽力があってのことですそのこともあって私は、エージェントNことをいつしか、「練馬のおじさま」もしくは「おじさま」と呼ぶようになりましたが、本人はまんざらでもないようですおじさま「琴音、お前が無事で良かった他の区にも同様の妖魔が出没しているらしいが、中には負傷したクイーンもいるらしい戦闘不能に追い込まれたクイーンの数はこれまでで5人にのぼるらしい相手は相当手強いらしい」琴音「これもおじさまが“仕込んでくれたから”だわ、感謝してるわ♥」目の前のNに向かって感謝のウィンクをする琴音照れるように目を逸らすNおじさま「そ、そんなことよりも次の作戦だどうやら妖魔どもはポイントXから出没してるらしい」琴音「ポイントXっていうと例の噂の?」おじさま「あぁ、例の金持ちのボンボンが道楽で作ったというリゾート施設だ国や都の議員(せんせい)や職員(お偉いさん)を動員して法律まで変えたっていう噂だしかもそいつの居住地域がここ(練馬区)だからって他のエージェントからも文句が来てる全く迷惑な話だ」琴音「ということは私に、『そこを調査しろ』と?」おじさま「察しがいいな。早速明日から行ってくれ。休暇届はもう受理されてある」琴音「ありがと♥“お役所仕事”と言う割に仕事が早くて助かるわ」琴音はそう言うとNの頬に軽くキスする琴音「でも急よね。新しい水着とかも欲しかったのに」おじさま「おいおい、遊びに行くんじゃないぞ。それにあそこは女性なら身の回りのもの持っていくだけで、後はあっちが用意してくれるらしいぞ。下手すりゃ(女性なら)体一つで行ってもいいって噂だしな」琴音「おじさまは行ってくれないの?」おじさま「俺はこっちでやることがあるからな。お前の面倒だけ見てるっていうわけにはいかないんだ。都内の守りもあるから行かせられるのはお前一人だ。気をつけろよ。今回の目的はあくまで偵察だ。無茶はするなよ」琴音「分かってるわ♥」ネリマクイーンを待ち受けるものとは、果たして??"Is it a blunder, isn\'t it? Kotone"Kotone Yotsuishi "I don\'t make any excuses about that."My name is Kotone YotsuishiMy other name called “Tokyo masked Nerima Queen”I\'m now at Agent N\'s officeI was prepared for a reprimand because I missed the demon and failed to recapture the hostage, but the attitude of “Nerima\'s Daddy” was unexpectedly friendlyHe is called self-entitled Agent NIt seems that he is a director of “The Devil Countermeasure room" at the Nerima Ward Office in Tokyo Metropolitan.But I have never heard of such a departmentI met this person one day five years ago, which I never forgetAt the time, I just entered high school and was attacked by a daemonAt this time he had been saved meThat had been the beginning of everythingAt that time, he had been said that “I have the qualities of“ Queen Energy”, and from that day I started my life as a Tokyo Masked Nerima Queen who protected Nerima WardIn order to transform into a Nerima Queen, you must connect the Queen Bracelet attached to your right hand with a powerful Queen EnergyOf course, the stronger Queen Energy, the stronger the power of Nerima QueenIntensive training is needed to strengthen Queen EnergyBut before that, Queen Energy will not wake up unless the subject is injected with Queen Energy by AbilitiesWhat is Queen Energy\'s injection method?The only way to do that is to fuck with AbilitiesThat Abilities was of course Agent NI was a virgin at this timeThat ’s why my first partner had been DaddyBut I\'m not regretting that I had sex with DaddyBecause I became Nerima Queen, my family was fatherless family and my mother was ill, but Daddy compensated my mother\'s hospitalization expenses and my school expenses and life. I was able to graduate and join the current company because of Daddy\'s effortsThat\'s why I sometimes called Agent N "Nerima\'s Daddy" or "Daddy", but he doesn\'t bad at allDaddy “Kotone, you were safe and goodIt seems that similar demons appear in other Wards,and but it seems that some injured QueensThe number of Queens who have been driven out of combat seems to have risen to 5 so farThe opponent seems to be quite tough. \'\'Kotone “This is also because I was trained by Daddy”, I ’m grateful for you♥”Kotone made a gratitude wink toward N in front of himN looked away from her to be shyDaddy “A...Apart from that, that\'s the next strategyApparently it seems that the demons had been appearing from Point X”Kotone “I had heard some bad rumors about point X before too”Daddy “Oh yeah! It seems to be a resort facility that the prodigal son of rich made with hobbyRumor has it that the law has been changed by mobilizing lawmakers and officials from the country and Tokyo MetropolitanMoreover, other agents are complaining just because he lives here (Nerima Ward)That is, at any rate, a nuisance to me!”Kotone “So you mean, Investigate there”Daddy “You have good intuition. Please go tomorrow, right away. The vacation notice has already been accepted.”Kotone “Thank you sir♥ That would be pretty, thank you sir!”Kotone said that who kissed on N\'s cheek lightlyKotone “But that\'s suddenly, isn\'t that? I hope that wanted to buy a new swimsuit”Daddy “Hahaha… Your purpose will be not go out! And if you\'re a woman, you just need to bring personal belongings.It seems that they will prepare for you after that. It seems that even if you go empty-handed by women, it\'s just more than enough”Kotone “Daddy wanna come with me?”Daddy “Sorry. I’m very busy. I can\'t take care of only for you. Because we must be defense in Tokyo, only you can allowed to go. Be watch out! The purpose this time will be just a reconnaissance. Don’t strain yourself too much!”Kotone “I’m OK♥”What her destiny will be…

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