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[MMD R18] Candy Candy (MAYU)

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Model: Tda Mayu Ver1.01 (IAwara Edit)Stage: X by LARIGI was really excited to do a video with this model. I stopped paying attention to Vocaloid around the time Lily came out. So I had no idea Mayu was even a thing. But now that I know about her, she\'s easily one of my top favorites.I had to edit the motion data a little, because it wasn\'t really made with TDA in mind. Hopefully I got all the parts where her limbs where inside her. The clothes still clip because I\'m not used to working with a model with such a big skirt. And at this point, I just wasn\'t up to going into that much detail for this motion. Maybe next time I\'ll start working on those levels of details too. The stage is also kind of weird, because it adds the white void outside of it as part of the stage. I even tried black background, and it still has it. But it;s the only matching thing I had. You wouldn\'t believe how many dead links are around for any food or candy stage I could find.As far as this song pick, I just wanted something that used Mayu for the audio. I\'m honestly more of a fan of kpop girl groups when it comes to pop, since I\'m not a huge fan of the genre. But good luck finding any MMD motions for any of that. And on the subject of audio, I had to edit an MP3 I found using her. So the timing may be a little off between audio and motion. I did the best I could with the audio edit, so hopefully it\'s not too bad.As always, constructive criticism is appreciated.

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