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A nice rear view [Motion DL]

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[b]If you like my work and if it is within your possibilities please lend me a hand, and enable me tokeep creating by donating to either/ Paypal [/b]A nice rear viewWho wouldn\'t like a massage from this girlThis animation is an experiment about you guys, this one uses motion layers for bones and facials, since I found a way to exort faciasl with interpolation curves correcty on MMM by using MMM2 beta, this motion can not be modified easyly on mmd, but for that I incleded the MMM motion file so you can modify it there and then export it to VMD format to use on MMD, let me know if you are OK if you are ok with this kinda of thing, PROs: I can make this animation faster and they look better, this one took me about a week by working on it on my free time, the alternative is doing animation they way I was doing them before, CON\'s, take longer to do but can be customized on MMD much more easily, the only thins thing you can chage easily on MMD for this animation is the position of the model you are using by adjusting the position of the "Groove" bone if availble.Please visit the most recent video for the download link for latest Izumi versionIzumi Shimizu 2.0.5 DLPlease visit the most recent video for the download link for latest Izumi versionDetails here/ DL/ motion can be loopedSin Sack now comes with a bigger dick size in adition to the previous one/ room/

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