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Miku sexy Dance

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Info:It was a long time ago that I made a video so I made one.It took a long time to made this video because I wanted a lot of other animations in in but in the end it worked out.I hope that I improved a little in the camera.IMPORTANTThis is maybe a first part, because I am not happy by how the models are because I want the models to be beter than this. more HD quality so maybe I make the same video but thant with beter models and if you are not happy with the camara I will try to improved that too.Story:Miku was working in her bar and she was danceing on a numbers that she likes. However after 3 songs she was feeling hot so Miku took all here clothes off and danced naked. A man saw her danceing naked and the man got horny by looking at Miku\'s hot body so he came to here and fucked her. After the man cumed he rested a little but Miku just went on danced, an other man saw her too and he got horny to so he fucked Miku too. Later a third man saw here and as the first two men and at almost the end of the song all 3 man fucked Miku, but Miku enjoy the Fucking so she was happy because she danced and got fucked by 3 man.

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