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Bass Knight - Suisei, Towa, Chloe, Noel, Fubuki [4K] [CAMERA DL]

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I was kind of almost giving up on MMD, but kind of did a "friendly push" to make me create this camera for 5 characters. The end result was better than I expected (mostly because Ratzy\'s camera is awesome, all I had to do was follow the "flow" he already made) and I ended up making a video for me as well, just different characters and a few different angles from the camera I sent to 0x0, lol.I\'ve been wanting to make a video with that new Suyakouta\'s Noel model and I just love Towa\'s design, especially the 2B model from TararaTarako. Also, when it comes to Towa, Medium is Premium.There\'s two cameras, one for Hololive characters (this video), one for Blue Archive characters: / 1, 3 (middle) and 5 (Towa, Suisei, Fubuki) have a -5 offset on the Z AxisThe spacing between characters is:\nX: -18, -9, 0, 9, 18Please credit Ratzy as well if you use this camera.Also, if you can, watch 0x0\'s version of this video too: Bass Knight - Unga BungaSong: Bass Knight - Boom KittyyMotion - JayZed (Izumi Shimizu - Bass knight (Motion DL))Original camera: ratzy ([Camera DL] Bass Knight)Edit camera: Poronio (/ Towa, Fubuki by TararaTarako ( / )Noel, Chloe by Suyakouta ( / )Stage: Dead or Alive 5 - Aircraft CarrierSoftware/Effects: MMD 9.2, MME, RayMMD, Diffusion7, Skin shaders by Marusu

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