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[MODEL DL] 西村綾瀬/Ayase Nishimura - Wholeheartedly

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R-18 Model Download: / Model Download: / / Version: / her in Eh? Ah, Sou: / しかし、私はほとんどのアメリカ人よりも日本語が上手です。 また、機械翻訳は、ほとんどの人よりも優れています。 英語に堪能でない方は、日本語で話してください。So, this is my lewd OC, Ayase Nishimura! I was calling her NiJImura, but I changed it while I was trying to figure out how to write it in Kanji. And, of course, she\'s not EXCLUSIVELY intended for R-18 stuff- I mean, just look at Eh? Ah, Sou- but R-18 stuff is her primary purpose.Anyways, she\'s now ready for release.The idea is that she\'s an elder god who was sealed away in a human body, because I apparently like overthinking my lewd stuff. Or maybe I just wanna fuck an elder god or something, who knows.As she was exported from CM3D2, I didn\'t have to model her completely from scratch, but I DID have to do a lot of editing to make her REALLY work in PMX format. I had to do a lot of little fixes, I needed to change a few names, I needed to give her sliders and fix her skin, and most interestingly of all, I finally caved in and learned how to make semi-standard bones, because she didn\'t come with a Groove Bone, AND I had to give her breast physics! Lucky for me, she already had breast BONES that her tits were rigged to, those bones just weren\'t connected to any physics. So, I didn\'t have to mess with rigging TOO much. Although, when I ported her to Blender so I could fix her loose geometry, all of her rigging disappeared. That wasn\'t too much of a loss, though, thanks to the Transfer Weights plugin. I honestly don\'t know how some editors get along without that absolute lifesaver.Honestly, the main reason I made her is for practice. Considering she started as a Custom Maid, she\'s honestly not that impressive, but I did my best to make sure she at least WORKED. And I think that, now that I\'ve done this, I\'ll be better equipped to make my completely original robot model that I\'m working on good. By the way, I think at this point I might just give up for now on giving her a mouth- mouths are hard, the tutorial I used to model the rest of her face really didn\'t help because it SKIPPED that part for some reason, and I DO plan on making MORE robot OCs, so...Ayase\'s also got something weird goin\' on with her legs. It\'s fairly minor and I\'m just about ready to be done with her, so I\'m just leaving it. Someone else can fix it if they wanna. Her bones are also a little messy, as are her morphs. MotionIsshin Furan by Ayachi ( / ) Camera:Isshin Furan by 雅遼(色澤の人) ( / ) Cover:Isshin Furan by Reol ft. ill.bell,nqrse ( / ) Model:Ayase Nishimura by me, credits in readme. The NSFW version is inherently superior to the SFW version because the NSFW version can still be used for SFW stuff, but the SFW version is mostly there for the young\'uns who shouldn\'t have porn on their computers. Stage:ST17 by 怪獣対若大将P ( / )Tatooine by Wampa842 ( / ) Shaders:G Shader Other Effects:Diffusion7ExcellentShadow2ColorShiftlikelooksMotionBluro_LikeHDRo_Bleach-bypassPowerDOFObjectLuminous Programs Used:MikuMikuDanceMikuMikuEffectPaint.netAdobe Premiere ElementsPMX EditorBlenderCustom Maid 3D 2FL Studio

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