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[MMD] Lucy Heartfilia | Sugarfree (Fairy Tail)

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We made it to another model release! Here\'s to many more!This video was pretty fun to make, though it is unfortunite that I had to cut the eding scene with everyone there.Onto the details. I initally needed most of these models for the main Wendy project but as you can see I kind of went overboard.I may expand the packs to add their swimsuits at a later date.For Lucy this one has been a long time coming. But I did make me rethink how I would go about model released in the future. The Act 2 outfit has 4 seperate hairstlyes and with the alt texture that left 8 models in the folder. That\'s a big too bloated for my liking. I thought about putting them all on the same model but I fear that would make the model a bit too heavy so I am open for suggestions.Also as this came up in the model DL posts earlier. These models were not made with WSS in mind so please don\'t expect them to work as intended. They were made with only MMD in mind. I now nothing about WSS, so if anything does work with it I am not the person to got to for those issues, as I would have to idea how to fix them.Onto the last bit of news. I am taking a break from posting videos for the month of Ocotober outside of one exception. I hope you understand.That\'s all I have to say at the moment, so as always have a great day!Lucy Heartfilia Pack (1.0): [Model DL] Lucy Heartfilia Pack (1.0)Fairy Tail Girls Pack (1.0): [Model DL] Fairy Tail Girls Pack (1.0)Model: Digitrevx, justlooking, kurokozeref, and Scalloped PotatoesMotion: SewelinaCamera: CTNMusic: T-ARAStage: suzukipicori, Mlplottery, くてしふぉんEffects: AdultShader_v014, AutoLuminous4, ikBokeh_v020a, MotionBlur3L_v002, WorkingFloor2_v008

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