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Fun with Dark Elves HMV

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Hentai used: Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru Song: Vendetta (name of the version I used)\nSo I was sick pretty much this whole month. Every time it felt like I was getting better a new symptom showed up, and last weekend kicked my ass. Don\'t worry turned out I just needed an anti-biotic and I\'m basically good as new.I originally intended to upload this after another, more edited, video. Because that one is going to be an experiment on putting more sounds from the hentai in the video, but that one is very experimental and I don\'t know how well it would do, so this was supposed to be a palette cleanser. BTW The reason I don\'t do that often is 1) I like editing to more lyric-heavy songs for the vocal cues, and 2) Hitfilm doesn\'t like it if you fuck around with audio too much so speeding or slowing clips would cause problems.But anyway, I\'m uploading this one first because I did half of the other video and realized I didn\'t like most of it, so I\'ll have to redo that. Meanwhile, this one sat at around 90% complete, so I just focused on this one.

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