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Recently, i started to dream of a day when HMV\'s were created in the same way that DJ\'s mix their music live.But thought it impossible as the nature of meticulous organizations of clips and timing through editing softwarewas too far removed from on the fly mixing.As quickly as this idea sprang up in my mind, it was quickly extinguished.I never really thought about it after that.Then i started playing HS2 after a year away from it.I\'m quite familiar illusions games, and while i have used studio to drop my preferred girls into someone elsescene, i never got into scene creation myself.So it\'s not like it was a discovery of HS2 and studio that brought this on.No, an idea came to me out of nowhere while taking a shower.Excited, i tried at first do do screen pumps using the mouse, but it was so bad and sloppy.I feared my idea was once again extinguished.So i started pressing all the buttons on my keyboard like a dribbling moron out of frustration.Recently, i started to dream of a day when HMV\'s were created in the same way that DJ\'s mix their music live.But thought it impossible as the nature of meticulous organizations of clips and timing through editing softwarewas too far removed from on the fly mixing.As quickly as this idea sprang up in my mind, it was quickly extinguished.I never really thought about it after that.Then i started playing HS2 after a year away from it.I\'m quite familiar illusions games, and while i have used studio to drop my preferred girls into someone elsescene, i never got into scene creation myself.So it\'s not like it was a discovery of HS2 and studio that brought this on.No, an idea came to me out of nowhere while taking a shower.Excited, i tried at first do do screen pumps using the mouse, but it was so bad and sloppy.I feared my idea was once again extinguished.So i started pressing all the buttons on my keyboard like a dribbling moron out of frustration.Then i realized i could zoom in and out with the arrow keys.but it was too slow. again button smashing occurredAgain progress occurred.Holding down shift while using the up/down arrow keys increased the speed of the zoom in\'s/out\'s.but it wasn\'t enough, i needed that bouncy snap that is the essence of the screen pump.Aha, i thought. Studio has easily switchable camera\'s.All i have to do is frame and save them, then repeat the camera while zooming in and out.and switching camera\'s to snap in closer.all i need is to set up some models in various positions/animationsand practice switching while zooming.while practicing, a slip of the hand lead to the discovery of the tilt.something that i\'ve seen used in mmd camera\'s videos.using shift and \\ or >i practiced a little more.and thus it was time for music.i\'ve been a fan of the troll song ever i saw an video that featured it.So as i listened to the music i tried to time my techniques to the beat.Now i\'ll be the first to admit i\'ve no sense of rhythm, so my timing is off.but this is doubly compounded due the fact that this dummy couldn\'t get the song to playinside of studio or record it while i was screen recording.so i had to added it back in after i trimmed the excess.so even though my intention was to avoid video editing software,i still had to turn back onto it for this Hah!so don\'t be too harsh on the timing, this is just an experiment after all.------------Remember i was doing all the camera movements on the fly-------------------------NO AUTOMATED CAMERA\'S WERE USED---------------------I really hope you guys try it too.I\'m certain you can do a much better job with timing and making better scenes.I\'m lazy that\'s why i came up with this, it\'s a workaround.So now you can easily (with a little time and effort) make your own HMVin engine without all that faffing around in Video Editing Software(V.E.S.)Of course you can do more in V.E.S. but this is for us schmucks who don\'t know how.I imagine this also works with koikatsu, as the studio is the same.W need to figure out if we can achieve this effect in MMD too.I\'m sure we could incorporate proper cuts into thisbecause i\'ve seen some clever creators make scenes where onescreen has been separated into different sections with it\'sown background, lighting, and animations.It\'s just a matter of figuring out the best way for them toslide in and out when you switch in to them.or have them appear overlay the current cameraby creating duplicate of the model you want to be overlayed.I\'m sharing this knowledge with you as we all stand on giants after alland this would not be possible without inspiration from all the creators out thereSo i want you guys to.SHOW. ME. WHAT. YOU. GOT!!!!!!SHOW. ME. WHAT. YOU. GOT!!!!!!SHOW. ME. WHAT. YOU. GOT!!!!!!TL;DRDon\'t. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially.Make. All. Ecchi. Iwara. Videos. HMV. Experiences?

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