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Hibiki and Kyomei — Romeo and Cinderella

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When I finished the previous video I promised myself I wouldn\'t do two videos featuring characters from commercial properties in a row, and absentmindedly downloaded a motion for the song Romeo and Cinderella before other projects took my attention for a little while. When I got back to MMD, for some reason I had trouble finding the right version of the song to match the motion I\'d downloaded (should have just checked the readme to begin with...) so I got to spend a lot of time listening to it, and the points in the song where all the instruments drop out except for a single synth tone made me think of a test pattern. That gave me the hook I needed for a different way to disguise a sartorial transition. I did think about doing lyric subtitles, but I\'m not sure FixedBoard is the tool for the job.I hope Jin comes back to Hibiki and Kyomei at some point. In the time he hasn\'t spent dealing with burglary and fire he\'s been making models for commercial characters at the behest of his Patreon, and Kyomei is explicitly an unfinished model with a neck seam that this motion makes uncomfortably prominent and which I had to bite my tongue and live with. I like these characters too much for them to fall by the wayside like this.CreditsThe song Romeo and Cinderella is by Doriko and sung by the redoubtable Hatsune Miku.The motion is by ayahachi8.The stage is by Dan1024.Hibiki and Kyomei are by MrJinSenpai.A friend enabled my laziness in not downloading GIMP to do it myself by making the "MMD One" parody logo.Ray-MMD is as always the work of Rui_cg and contributors.I used this custom cloth material by LylacTheLily; the default one that comes with Ray-MMD tends to lighten the material it\'s applied to, which isn\'t always what you want.AutoLuminous is by Sovoro, and can be downloaded from their OneDrive.FixedBoard is by HariganeP.

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