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[Xenoblade 2] Pyra and Mythra — B.B.F.

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My inner lore nerd compels me to point out that the only time Pyra and Mythra appear together with their core crystal broken is in a vision sequence during the fight with Jin at the Gotrock Oracle Ruins immediately prior to the first appearance of the true form of the Aegis. However, the way MrJinSenpai set up the Pyra and Mythra models means you can\'t disable their armour and enable intact core crystals. I did try to fix this, but my PMX Editor skills weren\'t up to the task.Part of increasing my standards for my own work is learning to use more effects than just Ray-MMD and hiding changes behind camera movements, obstacles and characters spinning too fast to see them switch from clothing to bikini or whatever, so here\'s AutoLuminous used to cover a transition inspired by this video. I also made what I hope is more intelligent and appealing use of Ray-MMD materials than before.I hope you enjoy.CreditsThe song B.B.F. is by Kira and heart★breaker.The motion I used was created by Ai. This comes with a camera motion, but I didn\'t use it.The camera motion I did use was created by 7seven. I made some minor adjustments, in particular to try and better frame the scene when both Pyra and Mythra are visible.The stage is by komena, who also credits someone named 光间痕 for sphere maps.The models of Pyra and Mythra are by MrJinSenpai. The model of the true form of the Aegis is by MrJinSenpai and Capt.Ray-MMD is as always the work of Rui_cg and contributors.I used this custom cloth material by LylacTheLily; the default one that comes with Ray-MMD tends to lighten the material it\'s applied to, which isn\'t always what you want.AutoLuminous is by Sovoro, and can be downloaded from their OneDrive.

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