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[R18-Scat] ShuKi Ep.1 [yuri, coprophagia]

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[CONTENT WARNING: yuri, coprophagia]
DESCRIPTION: Shu-chan has a secret she cant tell anyone about. And her classmate Kino-chan knows about it! Shu should have been much more careful embracing her secret in public. But what's worst is that Shu and Kino also had sex with each other on Kino's demand. But Kino did not just ask for sex, she also said: "The thing you like. I want to try it too!"
Meet ShuKi (Shu&Kino) the new favorite scat-couple that love to eat each others shit.
PERSONAL COMMENT: This is very different from my usual work which is always in dimly lit dark places. But I love shoujo-ai and yuri manga. And I especially like yuri scat manga. (Too bad there isn't much) So this was the only way I could pay homage to my inspirations. I also called this Episode 1. Not because there will be a sequel, but because while I was making the video, I envisioned how they ended up in this situation. So I probably gonna animate Episode 0 at one point. What truly happened here is that I spend so much time animating the opening that it ended up being 2 minutes long. And as usual when a project gets too long I start dropping what I wanted to do and end it quickly. But quality over quantity, yes? I love the short shit eating part. I makes my heart boil and wish I could be one of the two. Also poop noises are very cringe and I dont like how many people use these sounds in their scat videos. But I picked out the few that I like hearing the most and hopefully arranged them in a good way. Should the sounds still annoy you, please just mute the video. Anyway: Happy Valentines Day 2023!
Models: EL-S4U & EL-S6F; by quappa-el © Quappa-EL's Nest
Model Edits: EL-S4U Shuka Scat v1.2 ; EL-S6F Kino Scat 1.1IK & v1.2; by MMYD
Accessoires: LoveTurd v1.0; by MMYD
OG Stage: CutestRoom(rip by amiamy)
Stage Edit: WhiteBedRoom v1.2; by MMYD
Others: Their respected creators

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