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[R18 shota] Stay Tonight

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If you want to download the 1440p version or just support me, check out my Patreon:/ /> [STORY]:
Momoka, like every weekend, went with her son to the playground.
However, instead of meeting other parents with their children there, she met photographers.
They agreed to leave her alone if she would dance for them.
Strongly annoyed, Momoka decided to perform a short dance while her son watched everything curiously.
He loves it when mom does a striptease for him, so he immediately became very excited.
The boy couldn't wait for the strangers to leave so he could play with mommy.
It's been a while since I posted a shota video 😅
Let me know if you like it.
Still not sure about the lighting.
Do you think it looks ok or should I improve something?
I also have to inform you that my new project has to be put on hold.
It turned out that one of the models is in such bad shape that I have to edit it from scratch.
I'll try to fix it when I have time and upload Part 2.
Motion and Camera by Nikisa San
Stage: amiamy111, JamieTH
Props: smith_mmd2, Clyriss
Effects: raycast, MotionBlur3
Music by CHUNG HA

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