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[R18-Guro] Relationships [Cannibalism, Mutilation]

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[CONTENT WARNING: Cannibalism, Mutilation, Snuff]
DESCRIPTION: "Why wont you eat this meal I prepared for you with all my love?" It is Date Time! Shi-chan attempts once more to feed Steak-chan some tasty human flesh. Master thinks that after Shijimi and Steak-chan shared their poop that Steaky might be ready. Good that one of the guro-idols just gratuated. Meat tastes better fresh and bloody! The year is also ending. What better time for a barbecue and bonding party among those that are trapped here but wont be missed otherwise. Please enjoy this meal! And happy new year!
説明:「私が愛情を込めて作ったこの食事を、なぜ食べてくれないの?今日はデートタイム しーちゃんはステーキちゃんに美味しい人肉を食べさせようと、もう一度挑戦します。師匠は、しじみとステーキちゃんがウンコを分け合った後、ステーキちゃんの準備が整うかもしれないと考えています。グロアイドルの一人が謝礼をしてくれただけで良かった。肉は新鮮で血の通った方が美味しいですからね 今年も終わりますね。ここに閉じ込められている人たちの絆を深めるバーベキューパーティーはいかがでしょうか。どうぞお楽しみに。そして、良いお年を
Another non-sex video pushing the boundaries of this website. I wanted to clear up some relationships between characters. I also did the cameo of the other girls I had to cut from the previous video. The lighting effects aren't great this time around and I tried out switching up scenes with the given screen effects. This is also the first video with the most props used I made so far. Should I have dropped the sound effects as I wanted while editing the video? If they are annoying just listen to your own music. Or check out the credits below for some fitting music.
森は緑-sans videos showed me that Beamman's SelfMetaball effect makes for good fluid effects. So I gave the effect a first attempt. I hope to use it for various other bodily liquids in the future. I feel like making more scat and for the first time vomit videos. Petite women that piss, shit, throw up at each other or brutalize their holes while making out is too powerful to be ignored! Don't worry, I also have some new exciting guro ideas. See you next year!
Characters: quappa-el © Quappa-EL's Nest; (my guro/scat edit ver.4.3 Skirt) / random character (1) by lusterz (my guro edit ver.3.2 Scat),
Stage: Prison Cell and Corridor by MMYD
Others: Their respected creators
Others #2: 蒼 -depressive & emotional compilation-

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