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MMD R18: New Thang - R1N4

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Happy new year!A new thang for a new year :) Hope you are all doing well. As promised, as soon as I was off for holiday break, i was back on the editors and digging through and updating my userfile folder. Sidenote: i like how most of the tutorials and other mmd videos i watch also include people with very messy folders, makes me feel less crappy... For this new thang mmd, obviously we had to use a new model and here we zeroeffort senpai’s version of R1N4 from the imaginary girls series- yes, R1N4 is best waifu of the three, try and convince me otherwise. I’ve been working on weighing bones and physics a bit which is still a work in progress but i definitely think i was a little too ambitious to pit my terrible skills with such a complicated model. Incase you dont know, zeroeffort senpai tends to go all out with all their mmd-ing and this model was no exception. Like, no srsly, 50 something weighted bones to worry about in the skirt alone and here i am still struggling with the futa bone… or as some may say, the boner bone…. (sorry i had to….). atleast i tried to include the physics this time? Yay? Another person i want to talk about from the credit list would have to be thatalex senpai with once again an amazing stage. I was reluctant to use it at first because as you know im a lazy suzan and the planes for the images were not set and there were ALOT of pictures on the walls to add, which to be fair makes sense since this is a museum but because im lazy, i reeeeaaallly didnt want to find that many pictures. I ended up taking screenshots of my old videos and after a while, i actually had a lot of fun deciding which pictures to add and would definitely recommend you trying out the stage yourself, it was also a nice way for me to end off the year by looking back at all my old stuff.Not much done with the effects and i didnt get the chance to work out the lighting so i will have to look into that for next time. One of these days i will also try incorporating different shaders but for now riley senpai is my go-to. That being said, my next upload probably wont be until March when i get march break off so don’t miss me too much okay ;) (cricket noises yeah….) Last thing: As usual, there is a iwara version and youtube version - the iwara version being more r18 but dont worry youtube peeps, i have included a special guest appearance for you since i felt kind of bad for being lazy at the end of the video and cheating the ecchi cover up edits with the swim suit sli- what i meant to say was this was a totally intentionally swimsuit edit for those of you who are in to that… yes, let’s go with that excuse… the end credit clips is a cute montage i posed myself of R1N4 (and the special guest) wandering the Tsuganse museum and doing something im too shy to do. “You mean strip naked in a public museum?” well, yes, that, but i mean also taking a selfie with my senpais. I still have not yet reached out to- well, anyone but you know, this is due to the countless reasons i mentioned before in my other videos but who knows, maybe the “new year me” in 2023 will finally have the courage like R1N4 here. (No i dont mean hanging nude pictures of myself at a museum either…)Take care and wish you all the best in the new year,Tsu============================The character(s) depicted in the following are over 18.Model: Imaginary Girl: R1N4 - ZeroEffortMMD (/ edit from: Hacka Doll 3 (/ by: Tsuganse Ibusshi (me)Effects and Shaders: Shader Pack by RileyBoudreau (AdultShader)Stage: MMD but you\'re one of the exhibits in a museum - That-Alex (/ - JustLluiji (/ ねじめ (/ (/ (pass: 神主打法)Camera: Tsuganse Ibusshi (me)Music: Redfoo - New ThangPlease do not re-upload and message me if any of the following content is not credited properly!

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