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[R18-Guro] KMD [Snuff, Excessive Violence]

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[CONTENT WARNING: Snuff, Ryona, Drugs, Mutilation, Pussy Busting, Excessive Violence]
DESCRIPTION: One of our longtime guests, Kiki, a totally real squirrel girl without fake ears, repeatedly told the other girls that she wanted to leave. She knows exactly what it means to "leave". Master has already cut off Kiki's clitoris and completely destroyed her reproductive organs in the past. All that remains is a hole of worthless flesh. And that is why master themselves will help Kiki-chan to gratuate the facillity. To be honest, Kiki-chan is now only worth to be meat in Shijimi-chans fridge. That's why: Kiki Must Die!
長年のゲストの一人で、つけ耳をしていない、完全に本物のリスの女の子、キキちゃんは、他の女の子に何度も「出たい」と言いました。出て行く」ということがどういうことなのか、よく分かっているのです。ご主人様はすでにキキちゃんのクリトリスを切り落とし、生殖器官を完全に破壊してしまいました。残るは無残な肉の穴のみ。だから、ご主人様自ら、キキちゃんを助けて、その設備に満足させるのです。つまり、正直なところ、今のキキちゃんには、しじみちゃん家の冷蔵庫の肉になるだけの価値しかないのです。だから キキちゃんマストダイ
PERSONAL COMMENT: This is my break from using the other girls: "I do a quick consensual snuff video." is what I thought. And yet it took me 4 weeks to make the whole thing. The custom girl Kiki does not have a vagina, and I am not skilled enough to put a vagina on her. That's why I made up the excuse in the description. I also had a cameo of the other two girls in mind, but this video is already 299MB. Maybe I do a photo album of this cameo instead, what do you think? I also debunked the myth that I was the master, so the real master I talk about in my description finally made an appearance. I don't know if you can masturbate while watching this video. Let me know in the comments if this sort of content at least makes you wet between your legs. It sure did me. Thanks for watching as always!
CREDITS: Models made by myself: Stage, Club, Hammer, FixationTable, Nails,
Characters: Master: quappa-el © Quappa-EL's Nest; Kiki: some custom girl edit
Stage: made by MMYD (Prison Cell and Corridor)
Others: Their respected creators

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