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[MMD R-18] Shake it Off [Shake it Izumi Motion DL][Izumi 2.0.33a DL]

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Izumi shakes it alright, the Twer... Shaking loop is already on the public motions folder.Izumi 2.0.33a is up now too, grab a copy and enjoyI\'ll just list the changes hereSo Izumi has some new stuffNew eyelashesNew feetNew default facial expressionNew nipple and clitoris bonesNew morphsSome old morph were remadeRemade body texturesTweaked PhysicsHer old default facial expression is now a slider since her old tender look is now the defaultGroove and Center bones have new positions ( especially important is the new Groove bone position since all new motions will use it )Added a morph to return the Groove and Center bones to the old position in case there are motions misalignmentBug fixesI included some pictures of Izumi\'s base mesh which is what I used to make Izumi\'s new feetThis is an upgrade I\'ve wanted to make for a while, the geometry on Izumi\'s feet just felt insufficient and as a bad side effect it look bad, deformation was not that good and if I wanted to give them a different shape then is was even worse, so that has been fixed, grab a copy and enjoy.[b]If you like my work and if it is within your possibilities please lend me a hand, and enable me tokeep creating by donating to either/ Paypal :/ Shimizu DL( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Dance Motions/ Ademar440MMD Camera Motions/ Motions - Ademar440MMD R-18 Motions/ Motions Ademar440MMD R-18 Motions Mirror/

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